Help & Advice
Our help and advice page has been designed to give approved advice meeting with current British Standards. If you have any issues with your roof or issues with works which you have had completed to your roof, here you can upload images and fill out a detailed form, the images and details will be assessed by one of our qualified surveyors whom will give correct legal advice with regard to any issues, you can choose for the case to be made public or kept in confidence, please feel free to read through our latest published advice.

Discontinued Product?
Question: We live in a 1950s four bedroom house, and recently noticed several broken roof tiles to the front main roof, we contacted several local contractors whom informed us that the roof tiles are no longer produced, we have received quotations from £8000 to £12000 are these costings fair?
Answer: The roof tiles in question are actually known as a slate even though they are made from concrete, the correct name is “Hardrow Slate”, the slates were locally produced from a plant in Bootle until the early 1990’s, production of Hardrow slates has since been limited due to more advanced products now being available, however we can still obtain the product at a premium price, a further option would be to use a reclaimed Hardrow Slate, we stock approximately 12000 reclaimed Hardrow slates at any time. We will require a site visit to be able to produce a fixed quotation but we would estimate the replacement of the damaged Hardrow slates to cost no more than £95.00. If you would like a free quotation please feel free to fill out a free quotation request form located to the right of this page.

Is There a Problem?
Question: We live in a four bedroom house which has the original roof which i think is approx 80yrs old, I keep finding small pieces of clay from the roof tiles around the property, does this indicate there is a problem?
Answer: Most likely, typically with the age of this product the roof tiles will shail indicating decay and first stages of failure, the small pieces of clay you are finding are falling from the decayed tiles. A new roof will most likely be required within the next 12 months.

Do I Need A New Roof?
Question: We have a flat roof to our rear extension which is 12years old, will it need replacing?
Answer: Not necessarily, flat roofs fitted correctly and with a high quality product have the potential to last in excess of 25years, for further free advice please feel free to fill out a survey request form and one of our surveyors will inspect the roof and give you honest free advice, in some cases it is possible to extended the remaining life of the roof with a simple and cheap coating.

A Knock On The Door
Question: Today a gentleman knocked on my door to inform me there was a possible problem with my roof which needed urgent attention, luckily my son was present at the time and asked the gentleman to leave, how do I know if there is actually a problem?
Answer: Congratulations to the quick thinking of your son, we deal with hundreds of cold call cases every year, the chances are there is nothing wrong with your roof and the cold caller was hoping to make a quick buck from a vulnerable person, however for peace of mind please feel free to fill out a survey request or contact our office whom will arrange for one of our surveyors to inspect your roof and give free professional advice.

Not Happy With The Work!
Question: We have just a had a new roof completed by a local company, however from the moment they arrived to the day they left we were not happy with their attitude or workmanship, I am not happy with the finished roof and have made a formal complaint to the company with no reply, what should can i do next?
Answer: I am afraid this is not uncommon, we receive numerous complaints about works completed by other companies each month, we offer a full technical legal roof survey service to ensure you have received a technically correct and quality roof covering which you were expecting. Please feel free to contact our office to arrange a legal roof survey.